Custom Funeral Arrangement - Featuring pink lilies, white gladiolas, pink roses and other delicate accents.
Remembrance of A Teacher - Featuring kahala pink roses, blue delphinium, orange tulips, blue thistle, and some colorful accent flowers.
White + Pink Sympathy Arrangement - Featuring snow white roses, blush mini carnations, white lilies and feverfew daisies.
Petite Sympathy Bouquet - Featuring white roses, blue delphinium, pink carnations and a touch of baby's breath.
Botanical Remembrance Arrangement - Featuring light green hydrangea, salmon colored gerber daisy, pink mini carnations, curly willow and dried accents for texture.
Sending Love Flower Arrangement - Featuring a focal sunflower, white alstroemeria, pink roses, and feverfew daisies.
Spring Remembrance Arrangement - Featuring pink lilies, lavender roses, solidago, and salmon colored cremons in a cermaic vase.